[VBA] Lan Cia's Question

  1. 思路

  2. 每一次点击那四个buttton的时候,macro应该先设置 cell A100 的数值为:F24,F25,F26 或 F27

    如此一来,当你点击Userform里 aceept buttton的时候,macro可以读取cell A100 的数值,再根据此数值来填充 cell F24,F25,F26 或 F27

  3. 你可以根据以下范例修改你的code
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
      Range("A100").Value = "F24"
    End Sub
    Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
      Range("A100").Value = "F25"
    End Sub
    Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
      Range("A100").Value = "F26"
    End Sub
    Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
      Range("A100").Value = "F27"
    End Sub
  5. Accept button的macro应该和以下类似,注意我的Set targetCell = Range(Range("A100").Value)

  6. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
      Dim targetCell As Range
      Set targetCell = Range(Range("A100").Value)
      If OptionButton1.Value Then
        targetCell.Value = OptionButton1.Caption
      ElseIf OptionButton2.Value Then
        targetCell.Value = OptionButton2.Caption
      ElseIf OptionButton3.Value Then
        targetCell.Value = OptionButton3.Caption
      ElseIf OptionButton4.Value Then
        targetCell.Value = OptionButton4.Caption
      End If
      Set targetCell = Nothing
      Unload Me
    End Sub

Source: ---

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