[Javascript] someJavascript (DOM)

  1. Include Scripts
  2. #script src="myscript.js"##/script# --- Before closing body tag

  3. createElement(), appendChild(), setAttribute
  4.             const itemA = document.createElement("b")
                itemA.innerText = "Have a great day"
  5. Dialog Box

  6.               a = window.alert("Have a good time");
                  b = window.confirm("Yes or No");
                  c = window.prompt("How are you today?");
  7. Pop-up Windows
  8. Google yourself. hehe

  9. setTimeOut

  10.             const count = (function () {
                  let num = 10;
                  return function () {
                    return num--;
                function countDown() {
                  const info = document.getElementById("info");
                  let timerId = null;
                  let num = count();
                  if (num > 0) {
                    info.innerHTML += "" + num + "/";
                    timerId = window.setTimeout(countDown, 1000);
                  } else {
                    info.innerHTML += "Time's up";
  11. Control Location
    • location.href ---
    • location.protocol ---
    • location.host ---
    • location.pathname ---
    • location.hash ---
  12. document.lastModified
  13. document.referrer
  14. *Only applies to web server nia. This is good

  15. Manage Coolies
  16. Google yourself. hehe

Source: ---

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